Quatre variantes d’un chant de femmes du sud-est tunisien

Contrairement à l’exemple précédent, il s’agira ici de comparer les centres fréquentiels de mélodies chantées par des personnes différentes. Il faudra donc procéder en premier lieu à la transposition des fréquences sur une même fréquence :

from music22.modalis import melodies

path = "/Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/"
Kchants = melodies(path,transpose='Yes',freqref=300)
Reading the content of : /Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/

Instance created with the audio file : Gh11.wav
Instance created with the txt file : Gh11.txt
/Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/Gh11.wav appended
Instance created with the audio file : Gh11.wav
Instance created with the txt file : Gh11.txt
Instance created with the audio file : Gu16.wav
Instance created with the txt file : Gu16.txt
/Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/Gu16.wav appended
Instance created with the audio file : Gu16.wav
Instance created with the txt file : Gu16.txt
Instance created with the audio file : Ta12.wav
Instance created with the txt file : Ta12.txt
/Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/Ta12.wav appended
Instance created with the audio file : Ta12.wav
Instance created with the txt file : Ta12.txt
Instance created with the audio file : Ta13.wav
Instance created with the txt file : Ta13.txt
/Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/Ta13.wav appended
Instance created with the audio file : Ta13.wav
Instance created with the txt file : Ta13.txt

Afficher tous les attributs de la classe :

{'freqref': 300,
 'labels': ['Gh11', 'Gu16', 'Ta12', 'Ta13'],
 'melodies': [<music22.modalis.melodia at 0x10f9b5490>,
  <music22.modalis.melodia at 0x10f9b5fd0>,
  <music22.modalis.melodia at 0x10fb78dd0>,
  <music22.modalis.melodia at 0x10fdc2a50>],
 'path': '/Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/',
 'transpose': 'Yes',
 'wavfiles': ['/Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/Gh11.wav',

Écoute des versions

Analyse et affichage des PDF-s

%matplotlib inline

Affichage des attributs du premier chant (en Python la numérotation d’effectue de 0 à 3):

{'clean_freqs': array([ 227.35696843,  228.67438539,  229.99875442, ...,  310.57931007,
         312.37815776,  312.37815776]),
 'dominante': 330.66132264529057,
 'file': [TxtFile: /Users/anas/AUDIO/quatre_chants/f0/Gh11.txt],
 'final_freqs': array([ 298.271542  ,  300.        ,  301.7380171 ,  303.48559329,
         303.48559329,  303.48559329,  303.48559329,  303.48559329,
         303.48559329,  303.48559329,  303.48559329,  303.48559329,
         303.48559329,  305.24359758,  307.01202998,  308.79089047,
         308.79089047,  308.79089047,  310.57931007,  310.57931007,
         312.37815776,  312.37815776]),
 'freqs': array([ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan]),
 'intervals': 2     37.551739
 1     -5.291012
 0    -61.006452
 3     87.239523
 5    128.632208
 4    116.732985
 Name: xpeaks, dtype: float64,
 'method': 'pdf',
 'mode': array([ 300.]),
 'name': 'Gh11',
 'ordredpeaks':        xpeaks    ypeaks
 2  330.661323  0.024328
 1  299.599198  0.023206
 0  263.527054  0.004982
 3  370.741483  0.000242
 5  407.815631  0.000153
 4  396.793587  0.000132,
 'pdf': array([  0.00000000e+000,   0.00000000e+000,   0.00000000e+000,
          0.00000000e+000,   0.00000000e+000,   0.00000000e+000,
           2.74480027e-070,   4.53243527e-072,   7.08325988e-074,
          1.04764808e-075,   1.46648737e-077,   1.94277217e-079,
          2.43582480e-081,   2.89035266e-083,   3.24590814e-085,
          3.44986583e-087,   3.47015415e-089,   3.30351211e-091,
          2.97634730e-093,   2.53788459e-095,   2.04805063e-097,
          1.56419199e-099,   1.13062861e-101]),
 'percent': 0.5,
 'scale': [('330.661322645', ('37.55', '12/11', '-', '0.24')),
  ('299.599198397', ('-5.29', '1/1', '-', '5.29')),
  ('263.527054108', ('-61.01', '9/8', '-', '9.85')),
  ('370.741482966', ('87.24', '9/8*12/11', '-', '1.70')),
  ('407.815631263', ('128.63', '4/3', '+', '3.69')),
  ('396.793587174', ('116.73', '4/3', '-', '8.21'))],
 'tonique': 303.2715419977348,
 'xmax': 409.81226518664857,
 'xmin': 227.35696843471283,
 'xpeaks': array([ 263.52705411,  299.5991984 ,  330.66132265,  370.74148297,
         396.79358717,  407.81563126]),
 'ypeaks': array([ 0.00498182,  0.02320572,  0.02432773,  0.00024235,  0.00013233,

Modification des fréquences limites

import music22.scale # importation du module scale

Matrice des distances et groupement hiérarchique


Comme on peut le voir également sur le graphe des PDF-s, les courbes bleu et rouge (Ta12 et Gh11) sont plus proches entre-elles que les courbes Ta13 et Gu16. L’éloignement le plus grand se trouve entre Ta12 et Gu16.

Extraction des échelles

[('330.661322645', ('37.55', '12/11', '-', '0.24')),
 ('299.599198397', ('-5.29', '1/1', '-', '5.29')),
 ('263.527054108', ('-61.01', '9/8', '-', '9.85')),
 ('370.741482966', ('87.24', '9/8*12/11', '-', '1.70')),
 ('407.815631263', ('128.63', '4/3', '+', '3.69')),
 ('396.793587174', ('116.73', '4/3', '-', '8.21'))]
[('299.599198397', ('11.97', '1/1', '+', '11.97')),
 ('362.725450902', ('95.01', '5/4', '-', '1.90')),
 ('328.657314629', ('52.17', '9/8', '+', '1.02')),
 ('243.486973948', ('-78.09', '6/5', '-', '1.09')),
 ('422.845691383', ('161.61', '3/2', '-', '14.48'))]
[('299.599198397', ('-46.97', '10/9', '-', '1.21')),
 ('325.651302605', ('-10.75', '1/1', '-', '10.75')),
 ('265.531062124', ('-99.39', '5/4', '-', '2.48')),
 ('368.73747495', ('43.21', '10/9', '-', '2.55')),
 ('227.45490982', ('-166.61', '3/2', '-', '9.48')),
 ('423.847695391', ('103.70', '5/4', '+', '6.79'))]
[('349.699398798', ('67.73', '6/5', '-', '11.45')),
 ('299.599198397', ('0.58', '1/1', '+', '0.58')),
 ('326.653306613', ('38.13', '12/11', '+', '0.34')),
 ('281.563126253', ('-26.38', '12/11', '-', '11.40')),
 ('265.531062124', ('-51.85', '9/8', '-', '0.69')),
 ('383.76753507', ('108.11', '5/4', '+', '11.20')),
 ('396.793587174', ('122.60', '4/3', '-', '2.33'))]