Diastema : Core operations on intervals.
This module defines functions for basic operations on intervals, i. e. `conversions` from logarithmic into linear spaces, a list of reference `epimoric intervals` and a function for setting the `unit` be used.
You can also get the closest `epimoric reference` interval to an interval in the current unit, and the difference. If we are using the savart units :
>>> get_inter_ref(300)
('300.00', '2/1', '-', '1.03')
>>> get_inter_ref(303)
('303.00', '2/1', '+', '1.97')
from numpy import log2,log10
inter = {'2/1*4/3':2/1.*4/3.,'2/1*5/4':2/1.*5/4.,'2/1*6/5':2/1.*6/5.,
#Int = [] # A list where the method convert_ref() puts converted ratio into a linear space
unit = "savart" # Sets the default unit to be savart
[docs]def set_unit(x):
"""Set the unit to be used : possible units are savart and cent.
>>> set_unit("savart")
Unit is now set to : savart
global unit
unit_types = ["savart","cent"]
if x in unit_types:
unit = x
print "Unit is now set to :",unit
raise ValueError("Accepted units : 'savart','cent'")
[docs]def get_intervals():
"""Prints de list of all available reference intervals."""
global inter
print inter
[docs]def get_unit():
"""Get the currently used unit."""
global unit
print unit
[docs]def cent(y):
"""Convert the given interval (as ratio) to cent.
>>> cent(3/2.)
inter_cent = log2(y)*1200
return inter_cent
[docs]def savart(y):
"""Convert the given interval (as ratio) to savart.
>>> savart(3/2.)
inter_savart = log10(y)*1000
return inter_savart
[docs]def dias(y):
Convert the given interval (as ratio) to the global chosen unit. Default is savart.
>>> dias(3/2.)
global unit
if unit=="savart":
y = savart(y)
if unit == "cent":
y = cent(y)
return y
[docs]def convert_ref():
"""Convert all the reference intervals (given by get_intervals()) from ratios to a linear space."""
global inter
Int = []
I = inter.values()
for i in range(0,len(I)):
Int.append(dias(I[i])) # Tous les intervalles en savarts
return Int
[docs]def get_inter_ref(x):
"""Look for the closest epimoric interval.
x (int) : an interval in savart/cent.
y (tuple) : the closest interval from the reference intervals.
>>> get_inter_ref(300)
('300.00', '2/1', '-', '1.03')
>>> get_inter_ref(303)
('303.00', '2/1', '+', '1.97')
global inter
Int = convert_ref() # Converting intervals
dist = []
for j in range(0,len(Int)):
Index_Intervalle_Proche = dist.index(min(dist))
Nom_Intervalle_Proche = inter.keys()[dist.index(min(dist))]
Difference = "{:.2f}".format(min(dist))
if x>=log10(inter.values()[dist.index(min(dist))])*1000:
signe = '+'
else: signe = '-'
y = "{:.2f}".format(x),Nom_Intervalle_Proche,signe, Difference
return y
[docs]def get_scale(echelle):
"""Compare given intervals to reference intervals.
echelle (list): a list containing intervals in a linear scale.
Prints a list of tuples
Example :
>>> a = [125,256,300]
('125.00', '4/3', '+', '0.06')
('256.00', '3/2*6/5', '+', '0.73')
('300.00', '2/1', '-', '1.03')
for i in range(0,len(echelle)):
print get_inter_ref(echelle[i])
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest