Code source de music22.core

Core : Functions useful for all the package.


import numpy,time,sys
from os import path, makedirs
from music22 import audio

[docs]class file(): """A class to manage files. Args: path (str) : absolute path of a file. Attributes: path (str) : The path of the file. basename (str) : The name of the file. dirname (str) : The directory path of the file. name (str) : The name of the file. extension (str) : The extension of the file. Example: >>> audio = "/Users/anas/Barraq/AUDIO/P0.wav" >>> A = file(audio) >>> print A.path /Users/anas/Barraq/AUDIO/P0.wav >>> print A.basename P0.wav >>> print A.dirname /Users/anas/Barraq/AUDIO >>> print P0 >>> print A.extension wav """ def __init__(self,path): self.path = path self._check_exist() self._set_names() def __repr__(self): return '[File: %s]' % (self.path) def _check_exist(self): if ( not path.isfile(self.path)): print("ERROR: File %s does not exist or is not readable !" % self.path) def _set_names(self): self.basename = path.basename(self.path) self.dirname = path.dirname(self.path) = self.basename.split(".")[0] self.extension = self.basename.split(".")[1]
[docs]class wavfile(file): """A class to manage audio files (.wav).""" def __init__(self,path): file.__init__(self,path) self._check_extension() def __repr__(self): return '[WavFile: %s]' % (self.path) def _check_extension(self): if path.isfile(self.path) and self.extension == 'wav': print "Instance created with the audio file :", self.basename else : print "ERROR: The file does not seem to be an audio .wav file !"
[docs] def pitch_extract(self): """Extracts the fundamental frequencies (f0). Args: self.wav_path (str) : a path to a .wav file. Return: self.txt_path (str) : a path to a .txt file contraing a list of frequencies. """ start = time.time() print 'Extraction of f0 from ',self.path sys.stdout.flush() pitch = audio.pitch_extract(self.path) pitch[pitch==0] = numpy.nan try: makedirs(self.dirname+'/f0/') print 'Folder f0/ in', self.dirname, 'created.' except OSError: pass numpy.savetxt(self.dirname+'/f0/''.txt',pitch,fmt='%1.3f') end = time.time() print 'File',self.basename,'analysed in ',end - start,' seconds'
[docs]class f0file(file): """A class to manage data files (.txt).""" def __init__(self,path): file.__init__(self,path) self._check_extension() def __repr__(self): return '[TxtFile: %s]' % (self.path) def _check_extension(self): if path.isfile(self.path) and self.extension == 'txt': print "Instance created with the txt file :", self.basename else : print "ERROR: The file does not seem to be a text .txt file !"
[docs] def get_data(self): = numpy.loadtxt(self.path)
[docs] def clean_data(self): """Remove zeros or NaNs in the list. Args: L (numpy.ndarray) : A numpy list. Return: L (numpy.ndarray) : A `cleaned` numpy list.""" cleaned_data =[numpy.nonzero(] # Remove zeros, if any self.clean_data = cleaned_data[~numpy.isnan(cleaned_data)] # Remove NaNs, if any
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()